Learn to play the saxophone
Saxophone lessons in The Hague by a great player, Jeroen Manders. A very experienced and enthusiastic teacher! Also for lessons in theory, improvisation and bandcoaching.
"Making music is one of the greatest things you can do, to express yourself body and soul!" The saxophone is exceptionally well suited for this purpose, with its sound so close to the human voice and literally inspired by the breath of life! You can get as much out of it as you want. Playing Saxophone is fun!
Playing the saxophone is something you can learn! Jeroen Manders is the perfect teacher to guide you!
Saxophone lessons in The Hague will be offered according to your individual requirements. You will determine the direction in which you would like to develop yourself. In general, tuition will be private. This means: personal attention and fast results! Group lessons for up to 3 individuals can be arranged for.